The Physio in a Box project aims to provide physiotherapy support, at-home, to individuals who are living with a neurological condition and have been adversely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. This can include people who have been affected directly through infection, for example during their hospital admission. As well as indirectly, through lockdown restrictions closing community gym classes and outpatient services for example. The project offers bespoke treatment plans catered to the individual's needs, with the necessary equipment sent directly to their door in a box, or equipment such as bikes being safely set up in their home by a specialist. The project also provides virtual physiotherapy sessions with one of morrello clinic's specialist physiotherapist's, all of this comes at no cost to the beneficiary. The aim is to establish a routine of exercises, that can be continued independently to enhance the beneficiary's physical and mental wellbeing.
In Spring 2020, at the time of the first national lockdown, we wanted to make a difference to those who were living with a new or existing long term neurological or long-term condition. And importantly, those who were affected by the closure of statutory services or community exercise facilities as a result of the government-imposed restrictions. Together with current and former service users, we aimed to develop novel ways to support recovery during and following the pandemic.
The Morrello Marvels Community Interest Company (MM-CIC) is a not-for-profit organisation aiming to support people with long term neurological conditions in leading a healthy and active life. The company was launched as a separate independent company by the three directors in August 2020 after all three had been involved in the running of the Morrello Marvels Paracycling club. Following incorporation as a not-for-profit organisation, a project funding application was submitted to the national lottery community fund. Funding was awarded late December 2020.
The project originally aimed to help anyone with a neurological condition that may have been affected by the pandemic. But recently has adapted to also include potential beneficiaries who are suffering from Long-Covid and need therapy to improve their stamina, respiratory system and generally get back to where they were before infection.
Potential candidates for Physio in a Box are assessed for suitability. The Lottery funding then provides a box with therapy equipment, aiming to support home exercise routines that are designed to facilitate recovery. The equipment provided, includes technology such as:
The project completed its pilot phase towards the end of 2021, and Morrello Marvels have successfully secured another round of funding from the national lottery to roll out the project again on a larger scale. This time with improvements and changes made in areas identified during the Pilot phase. While the funding for the pilot launch restricted us to just South East Wales, we are now able to accept beneficiaries from all over South Wales with this round of funding. We are hoping to launch Physio in a Box again in March 2022, and are now beginning to advertise for beneficiaries and accept referrals.
If you believe you, or a loved one could benefit from the Physio in a Box project - then get in touch today!